Saturday, August 25, 2007

on alphabets, movies and being tired

I'll make this a brief post - it's been a long day, I'm exhausted and work's keeping me up - but I'm just back from having seen Auf der anderen Seite (aka The Edge of Heaven) by Turkish-German which is a remarkable and remarkably complex yet astonishing movie about six people whose paths cross without them even noticing. The dialogue is in Turkish, German and English - I've seen it with Bosnian subtitles so it's all been quite an event, too. Absolutely thumbs up and highly recommended!

Dino has stumbled upon an image on the web that he wanted to share with me, and I'm sharing it with all of you: it may not be painstakingly accurate but it's pretty interesting particularly if you find precise data unnecessary. Do take a look at in case you want to see how we went from Phoenician to Times New Roman.

So - off to bed now. Head ööd, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jako mi se s vida ovaj blog. Ja sam takode is Bosne i trenutno zivim u Becu. Cudim se sto nisi vec napisao nesto o svom Maternjem Jeziku. Mene o njemu ovdje stalno pitaju.... Pitanja tipa:
Koja je razlika izmedu Bosanskog i Hrvatskoj (ili Srpskog)jezika?
Ali ja naprosto neznam sta da kazem.... mislim, ima razlike, zar ne?....
I posto si ti veoma zainteresiram u jezike - mozda bi mogao nesto o tome da napises??
Radujem se tvom sljedecem postu.